The USTA has established a procedure in which a prospective official can be designated as
a Provisional official after completing the Official's Provisional open book exam with a passing score. This
has made it easier to become an official but it does not provide the new official with the court and situational awareness
provided by attending a USTA Official's School and observing/participating in on-court activities. To ensure
a minimum level of standardization, SVTUA's Board of Directors (BOD) has established a requirement for the Provisional
to complete a shadowing process under the supervision of officials prior to working as a compensated official.
SVTUA's sponsorship program
will be supervised by the Vice President with the assistance of the BOD, available T/Es, and the assigned sponsor.
The program is as follows:
- When the BOD is notified of a new Provisional, the President
sends an e-mail or letter welcoming the
Provisional to SVTUA. The President shall assign a sponsor and notify all concerned.
Sponsor will contact the official and determine the level of assistance required and make arrangements to satisfy those needs.
- Sponsor
shall discuss the official's uniform requirements after certification and provide the Provisional with guidance on uniform procurement. The Provisional shall wear a white polo shirt, khaki pants/shorts, brown or khaki
web belt, tan hat if desired, and white tennis
Provisional is required to have a stop watch, coin for tossing, tape measure and a blank copy of the MAS Shadow Form when shadowing.
- If the Provisional has not been to school, the
sponsor will "school" the official in "sticky" on-court situations and provide information as required.
- Provisional will be assisted by sponsor in securing shadowing assignments and completing the Mid Atlantic Shadow Form. The Provisional
should be referred to the SVTUA Web Site to
find upcoming tournaments and instructed to
contact the referee to secure permission to shadow at the event.
- The Referee at shadowing assignment will complete and sign the official's evaluation form and certify if the Provisional is capable of working independently.
- At least one shadow assignment should be
evaluated by a T/E (after 3rd assignment) if
- After the Provisional
completes an event, he/she shall forward a copy of the completed
evaluation form to the Vice President. After third assignment, the Vice President will forward a copy of the evaluation forms to T/Es.
- The Vice President shall notify assigner/BOD when
the official is eligible for compensated assignments.
- The Official will not be assigned to work independently
until he/she completes a USTA school or receives BOD
- Before assignment as a sponsor, the BOD
shall ensure the sponsor has two years experience.
- The Provisional must complete an ITA school and
a minimum of two ITA shadowing assignments prior
to assignment as a compensated ITA official.
- The Sponsor
should provide the Provisional with a copy of this document or direct the Provisional to the SVTUA Web Site for download.
The above sponsorship/shadowing
procedure is not all-inclusive (some Provisionals may require less than five shadowing events -- others more) and may be modified or adjusted by the BOD/T/Es if a Provisional petitions for a waiver. The BOD shall review
the petition for the requested waiver and
after consultation with a T/E provide the petition results to the official. If possible, the sponsor shall accompany the Provisional at all appearances before
the BOD.